We are the Best-In-Class
Poll Pad®
Used in 28 states and
over 106,000 units deployed
106 thousand
Poll Print
Used in 8 states and
over 2,500 units deployed
Voter Registration
Used in 11 states, 396 jurisdictions, and representing over 26 million registered voters
26 million
Our Featured Products
36 States + Washington D.C.
1,757 Jurisdictions & Counting
Poll Pad®
The nation's leading electronic pollbook
Manage your Elections in real time
Poll Print
Seamlessly integrated ballot printing station for on-demand use
A secure software suite of VREMS and Election Reporting
REDUCES TOTAL NUMBER of Provisional Ballots issued
We partnered with KNOWiNK on a full county deployment in 2019 to prepare for Early Voting in New York. Not only did we get excellent customer service in our first year, we have been able to work with KNOWiNK to refine their product to our needs in each subsequent election. They have delivered their equipment on time and trained our staff to allow us to modernize our elections. We are excited to continue to partner with them in the future.
Warren County added Poll Pads in 2021, and it was the best decision we have made. The staff at KNOWiNK is eager to help and knowledgeable from all perspectives. The Poll Pads are SO much eas-ier than poll books!
Our poll workers loved the ease of the KnowInk Poll Pads during our pilot, our staff loved how easy they were to set up and import. We are excited to be intro-ducing them countywide in November and be done with manually scanning poll books!
Wayne County loves the ease of using the Poll Pads. Our favorite feature is the fact that all voters are listed on every Poll Pad. The Poll Pads are specific to each voting precinct, but if a voter shows up at the wrong poll, the poll workers can immediately tell the voter where they are registered and give the correct polling place address to the voter. It saves a ton of phone calls from the poll workers and the voters looking for that information.
KNOWiNK Poll Pads make the sign in process at the polls so much faster! Voters and poll workers alike love them! Even our older poll workers, (who are a little intimidated by “techie stuff”), found them easy to use! Administratively they save a huge amount of time and are much more accurate when updating vote history into our voter registration database. Highly recommend!
Poll Pad ease of use and flexibility has allowed Fairfax County to dramatically decrease preparation time and post election audits, while simplifying the process for the election workers at the polling place. The support and turnaround time on any inquiries we have is first rate.
We purchased 13 poll pads in time for use in the May 2016 Election and we are EXTREMELY happy with the ease of use and functionality of the poll pads. Checking voters, the reports you can run and the way it updates is amazing and saves so much TIME!
Both our election workers and our voters were impressed with the efficiency, intuitiveness and simplicity of the KnowInk Poll Pads. We experienced significantly fewer set up issues than we had with our older equipment. Check in was faster for the voters, and tear down was super simple for weary workers at the end of the night.
The Poll Pads are a fabulous product! Our pollworkers love them – in fact they fight over who gets to use them. Using the Poll Pad has reduced the amount of time necessary to check in a voter by over 50%, so we need fewer pollworkers. The support provided by KnowInk has been excellent – the training and the user manuals are first rate!
Poll workers and voters especially appreciated how easy the Poll Pads are to use…it’s really a wow factor.